一部5月散策・竪琴の節 Harpstring Moon
1. 料理長と合唱練習受付の人、クエスト受注前の吹き出し撮影(英)
2. マリアンヌ 取り忘れ(日)
3. ハンネマン Choice2(日英)
4. ユーリスのクエスト(日)
(青獅子)5. イングリットの会話撮影(日)
6. ディミトリとクロードの指南(英)
(A girl’s voice… What could it mean?)
Mental preparation is paramount.
エーデルガルト: 相手が何者であれ、命のやり取りが初めてという生徒もいるわ。
Edelgard: For some students, this will be their first time stepping onto a real battlefield.
It's important that they're mentally prepared.
As for me? Ha! Do I look green to you?
Is there anything you wish to ask me about, regarding spending your time at the monastery or battles?
-教員研修 Faculty Training-
エーデルガルト: 師が私たちを指導するように、教師同士も指導し合っているそうよ。
Edelgard: Just as students have much to learn from other students, professors can also share their knowledge with each other.
You should consider seeking instruction from Professor Hanneman or Professor Manuela. I think you'll find their insight quite interesting.
-スカウト Recruiting-
エーデルガルト: 私たちの所属学級は出身地に因るけれど、貴方たち担任の得意分野も様々でしょう?
Edelgard: Which house a student is assigned to depends on where they're from. That said, each professor has their own area of expertise.
So if a student is adamant about it, it is possible to switch someone from one house to another. Pending your approval, of course.
If you become closer with the students by partaking in the various activities around the monastery, you'll be able to talk to them about such things.
You're quite powerful.
エーデルガルト: 貴方、強いのね。対抗戦では負けたわ。
Edelgard: You’re quite powerful to have beaten us in the mock battle.
Such a shame you aren’t leading our class.
This month's mission...
ヒューベルト: 毎年、実戦もあるとは知っていますが、いきなり盗賊の討伐ですか……。
Hubert: I fully accept the necessity of real battle from time to time, but it is still a surprise to be tasked with punishing bandits without warning.
It is a rather different sort of mission. It makes me wonder what the archbishop is planning...
ヒューベルト: 盗賊の始末に駆り出されると聞きましたよ。
Hubert: I’ve heard your class is hunting thieves.
That mission is very different from the one we were given.
I’ll be prime minister someday…
フェルディナント: 貴方はエーギル家を知っているかね?帝国の宰相を歴任する由緒ある家なのだ。
Ferdinand: Do you know of the Aegir family? We have long held the position of prime minister in the Empire.
The Empire’s power lies with six noble families, my family foremost among them.
The full explanation may be time-consuming. I can give you a moment to get ready, if you would like to take notes.
Choice 1: ない I’m not taking notes.
Choice 2: 準備完了だ I’m ready.
フェルディナント: では、六大貴族についてだが……
Ferdinand: All right. I will list the six noble families.
There’s Caspar’s father, Count Bergliez, the Minister of Military Affairs. Then there’s Linhardt’s father, Count Hevring, the Minisiter of Domestic Affairs.
Bernadetta’s father, Count Varley, is the Minister of Religious Affairs. Hubert’s father, Marquis Vestra, is the Minister of the Imperial Household.
Finally we have Duke Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and my own father, Duke Aegir, the Prime Minister.
One day, I will take his place as the prime minister of the Empire.
I am more talented than anyone in my class― even Edelgard. I will lead the Empire to a bright, enlightened future.
Choice 1: 期待している I look forward to that. (Ferdinand ⤴)
Choice 2: エーデルガルトのほうが…… That sounds like wishful thinking.
フェルディナント: ふっ、この私に不可能はない。
Ferdinand: There is nothing I cannot achieve.
Is there anywhere better than a library?
リンハルト: 無数の本の海を泳ぎ、目当ての一冊を探し出す……
Linhardt: Swimming through a sea of countless books, tracking down that single sought-after volume…
It’s absolute bills.
How do the poor fools who spend their days sharpening sowrds and polishing armor find any joy in life?
Wonder what this is…
カスパル: お、先生!訓練で一汗かいたところだぜ!
Caspar: Hey there, Professor! You here to check in on my training?
Oh, that reminds me. I found this small cloth. It's kinda weird.
Not really sure what it is, but it works great for wiping up sweat!
Byleth: …
ベルナデッタ: 先生ですか?な、何でしょう、何もしてませんよ?
Bernadetta: Wh-what is it? I’m not doing anything!
Choice 1: 何もしていないのがよくない It’s not good to just do nothing.
ベルナデッタ: 何か仕出かすよしは良いですもん!ベルの安寧をおびかさないでくださいい!
Bernadetta: I’m not bothering anybody… am I?
Choice 2: こんなところに美味しそうなお菓子が Hey, what’s this cake doing out here? (Bernadetta ⤴)
ベルナデッタ: えっ?あ、嘘ですよね!?前にも同じ作戦に引っかかりかけましたもん!
Bernadetta: Cake?! Oh, come on… That’s just cruel.
Oh dear…
ドロテア: あっ、先生……。
Dorothea: Oh, Professor… Hello. I was just looking for my―
Well, it’s… it’s like a pale blue cloth. Have you seen it?
Choice 1: 一緒に探そう. Let’s search for it.
ドロテア: え?あ、はい、でも……
Dorothea: Eh? Um… OK.
Choice 2: マヌエラ先生に伝えておく I’ll tell Manuela. (Dorothea ⤴)
ドロテア: ありがとうございます。助かっちゃいます。
Dorothea: Thank you so much.
ドロテア: あっ、先生……。
Dorothea: Oh, Professor... Hello.
Truth is, my, um, my undershirt got blown away by the wind... A-and it's not important why, it only matters that it's pale blue.
Choice 1: 一緒に探そう Let’s search for it. (Dorothea ⤴)
ドロテア: ありがとうございます。助かっちゃいます。
Dorothea: Thank you so much.
Choice 2: マヌエラ先生に伝えておく I’ll tell Manuela.
ドロテア: え?あ、はい、でも……
Dorothea: Eh? Um… OK.
Even spring here has coolness…
ペトラ: ブリギット、フォドラ、比べ、暖かいです。ここ、春でも、冷える、ますね?
Petra: Brigid has much more warmth than Fódlan. Even spring here has coolness!
And you, Professor? Which do you find is worst? Too hot or too cold weather?
Choice 1: 寒い The cold. *Petra Up
ペトラ: 先生、仲間です。わたし、ブリギットでは、より、薄着です。
Petra: I have agreeance! In Brigid, I am able to be wearing much lighter clothes.
Choice 2: 熱い The heat.
ペトラ: 先生、随分、厚着……熱い、苦手、厚い、脱ぐ、脱ぎますか?
Petra: But you are wearing many things, Professor. if you are not liking the heat, you should be wearing lighter clothes.
We must brace ourselves...
ディミトリ: 士官学校に入学して早々に、盗賊の討伐を任されることになるとはな。
Dimitri: We have only just arrived at the academy, and we're already being sent out to take care of bandits.
It is a noble mission, but one that will likely require battle. In practice, there is little difference between a battle and a war.
Even with the support of the Knights of Seiros, we must still brace ourselves for the challenge.
Do you have any other questions about life at the monastery or about battle?
-Faculty Training 教員研修-
ディミトリ: 先生が俺たちを指導するのと同じように、先生方も互いに指導し合っているそうだ。
Dimitri: Just as students receive guidance from professors, professors may also guide each other.
If you're interested, you should seek out Professor Hanneman or Professor Manuela.
-スカウト Recruiting-
ディミトリ: 生徒の所属する学級は出身によって決まるが 適性も、学びたいことも人それぞれだ。
Dimitri: A student's house is determined by their place of origin, but naturally, each individual has their own aptitudes and interests.
That said, if a student so desires and their current professor consents, they may transfer from one house to another.
If you get to know the students better through the activities at the monastery, they may approach you about this.
You were exceptional.
ディミトリ: 対抗戦、本当に見事だった。俺もお前を見習って、研鑽を積まねばな。
Dimitri: Your performance in the mock battle was exceptional, Professor. You have inspired me to follow your example and study even more diligently.
Perhaps we could train together sometime. I would love to test myself against your sword skills again.
You should stay away
ドゥドゥー: ……おれには、あまり近寄らんほうがいい。
Dedue: It is better if you do not approach me.
If you spend too much time around a man of Duscur, there will be rumors.
Be careful.
フェリクス: あの猪王子とは、生まれた頃からの……いや、生まれる前からの腐れ縁だ。
Felix: For years, the boar prince and I were inseparable. I know him better than almost anyone else.
So let me give you some advice. Beneath all that princely polish, he’s an animal, nothing more.
He’s strong and skilled, sure. But don’t place your trust in him as a human being.
Take care he doesn’t chew you up and spit you out.
I want to be just like him.
アッシュ: 僕みたいな平民が士官学校に入学できたのは養父のロナート様のおかげなんです。
Ashe: It’s thanks to my adoptive father, Lonato, that a commoner like me in here at the academy.
He is the very model of chivalry. Someday I'm going to be just like him.
Suddenly taking on bandits, huh?
シルヴァン: 最初の課題が盗賊討伐とはなあ。レア様は人の命を何だと思ってるんでしょうねえ。
Sylvain: Our first assignment is to take out some bandits? Did anyone tell Lady Rhea that people's lives are at stake?
I lost my own brother to bandits... ...Is something someone has said at some point, I'm sure.
OK. Not my finest attempt at humor.
シルヴァン: 先生、盗賊の討伐に行かされるって?いやあ、そりゃ災難ですねえ……。
Sylvain: Professor, you’re the one taking out the bandits? Heh, that’s one way to start your career at the academy.
I didn’t expect they’d order us to risk our lives here. Seems a bit extreme, doesn’t it?
It’s so relaxing…
メルセデス: 大聖堂は静かで良いわよね~。ここにいると気持ちが安らぐわ~。
Mercedes: The Cathedral is nice and quiet. It’s so relaxing…
Oh, Professor. Did you come to pray to the goddess?
Choice 1: そのとおりだ That’s right. (Mercedes ⤴)
メルセデス: あらあら、私もそうなのよ~。先生、一緒にお祈りしましょう?
Mercedes: Me too! Shall we pray together?
Choice 2: 用はない I did not.
メルセデス: あら、そうだったの~?折角だし、一緒にお祈りしましょうよ。
Mercedes: No? But shall we pray together while you’re here?
Is it sweet? Or maybe spicy?
アネット: お料理当番の日に備えて、みんなの好物と苦手なものを把握しておかなくっちゃ。
Annette: I’ve got to find out everyone’s likes and dislikes so I know what to cook. Who knows when it will be my turn at kitchen duty.
How about you, Professor? do you like sweet or spicy food?
Choice 1: 甘いもの Sweet. (Annette ⤴)
アネット: あはは、あたしと一緒ですね!ちゃんと覚えておきますから!
Annette: Ooh, same! I’ll definitely remember that!
Choice 2: 辛いもの Spicy.
アネット: 辛いもの……先生は大人なんですね!ちゃんと覚えておきますから!
Annette: Spicy? Ooh, your tastes are so mature! I’ll definitely remember that!
Hello, Professor.
イングリット: 私、フェリクスとシルヴァンとは幼馴染なんです。それから、殿下とも。
Ingrid: Felix, Sylvain and I have known each other since we were children. His Highness, as well.
Though I should warn you that both Felix and Sylvain are a bit...challenging at times.
The moment I take my eyes off them, they're off causing all kinds of trouble. It's always been that way.
イングリット: 折角ここに足を運ばれたのですし、先生も剣の稽古をしてはいかがですか。
Ingrid: Now that you’re all the way over here, Professor, care to join me in some training?
After training, I love tending to the horses or burying myself in a good pile of books. Ahh, there’s truly nothing better!
Bandit hunting, eh?
クロード: しっかし、盗賊連中もドジ踏んだよなあ。
Claude: Those bandits really didn’t think things through, did they?
They had to have known the knights would be after them the moment they entered the monastery’s turf.
Find by me, though. I’m raring for some real combat experience. Any chance to grow is a good thing.
Is there anything else you want to ask me, Teach? About living at the monastery or combat, anything like that?
-教員研修 Faculty Training-
クロード: 先生が教師から指導を受けるのと同様に、教師も他の教師から指導を受けられるんだ。
Claude: Student aren’t the only ones who have something to learn from their professors. Professors can also learn from each other.
If you want to, you should try trading knowledge with Professor Hanneman or Professor Manuela.
-スカウト Recruiting-
クロード: 生徒が所属する学級は出身地で決められるが他の学級に移ることも許されているんだ。
Claude: The house a student belong to is determined by where they’re from, but it is possible for someone to switch to a different one.
Of course, that’s only if the student very strongly wants to make the change and their professor is on board with it.
If you do a lot of different activities around the monastery, you’ll get closer to students and they may ask you about it.
クロード: よう、あんたらの課題は盗賊討伐だって?俺たちの平和な課題とは大違いだな。
Claude: I hear you've been tasked with hunting down bandits, right? Meanwhile, my class is stuck with a downright peaceful mission.
Sounds like you'll be fighting alongside the knights too. Don't let the monastery down, Teach.
Are you praying too?
ローレンツ: フォドラの貴族たるもの、敬虔なセイロス信徒たれ……。
Lorenz: It is the duty of every Fódlan noble to demonstrate piety toward Seiros.
Have you also come to offer your prayers to the goddess, Professor?
Choice 1: まあ Sure.
ローレンツ: 曖昧だな。先生は平民なんだろう?別に不信心を責めるつもりはないさ。
Lorenz: You don’t sound terribly sure. Perhaps you are not of noble birth? After all, devotion is not as essential for a commoner.
Choice 2: いや別に Not exactly. (Lorenz ⤴)
ローレンツ: そうか。実は僕も信心深いほうじゃないが、貴族として祈りを怠ることはできないのさ。
Lorenz: I see. The truth is, I am not a particularly devoted believer either. But it would be unbecoming for a noble like me to neglect his prayers, wouldn’t it?
Training is important!
ラファエル: 次の課題は、盗賊退治なんだろ。しっかり鍛錬しとかねえとなあ。
Paphael: The next assignment is to drive out bandits? Sounds like some training is in order!
Tell me something, Professor. when it comes to a one-to-one battle, which is better? Strength or skill?
Choice 1: 力 Strength. (Raphael ⤴)
ラファエル: だよなあ!オデもそう思うぞ!結局、最後に頼れるのは自分の筋肉!
Raphael: I knew it! When it’s all said and done, muscle always comes out on top.
Choice 2: 技 Skill.
ラファエル: そうかなあ。結局、最後に頼れるのは自分の筋肉だと思うんだけどなあ。
Raphael: You might be right. But when it’s all said and done, I still think muscle comes out on top!
I love this library.
イグナーツ: ここの蔵書を利用できるというだけでも、入学できて良かったと思えますよ。
Ignatz: I’m so glad to be a student here, if only because I get to use this library.
Reading books from all the regions of Fódlan… I feel almost like I’m visiting those place myself.
Choice:1 実際に旅したほうがいい You should visit them in person.
イグナーツ: それはそうですけど、旅をする機会なんてボクにはあまりないので……。
Ignatz: I’d like to. I don’t have many chances to travel….
Choice 2: 本から学べることも多い You can learn so much from books. (Ignatz ⤴)
イグナーツ: はい、そう思います!先人の知恵や経験がたくさん詰まってますからね。
Ignatz: I agree! They’re brimming with the knowledge and experience of our ancestors.
Today’s meal…
リシテア: 今日のご飯、苦手なお野菜が入ってないといいんだけど……。
Lysithea: There were way too many vegetables in today’s meal. The ratio of vegetables to sweets was completely skewed…
Oh! Hi, Professor! were you just eavesdropping on me?
Well… everyone knows a plateful of sweets is far preferred to a plateful of vegetables, regardless of age.
Um… Professor?
マリアンヌ: あ、先生、あの……今度の課題、盗賊の討伐って……。
Marianne: Um… Professor? Our next mission is to go after a group of bandits.
I’m… not very confident. I’m afraid I’ll just hold everyone else back.
I should probably stay behind for this one. Our help plan the attack instead.
マリアンヌ: ……あの、失礼します。
Marianne: Uh. Hello. Um, if you'll excuse me...
So. Board.
ヒルダ: 暇だし街にでも行こうかなー。でも疲れるし面倒だなー。
Hilda: I’m bored! Maybe I should go into town… But that would be such a hassle.
Oh! Hi, Professor. I’m rather busy right now, so do make it quick.
Choice 1: 暇なくせに You don’t look busy to me.
ヒルダ: あれ、バレれましたー?先生だって暇そうじゃないですかー。
Hilda: Ah, you can tell? I suppose being a professor has taught you how to ferret out time wasters.
Choice 2: 忙しいならいい If you’re busy, never mind. (Hilda ⤴)
ヒルダ: え、いいんですかー?暇なのバレてると思ったのに、寛大だなー。
Hilda: Are you sure? I thought you’d found me out for a moment there…
Do you know?
I can’t remember.
レオニー: ……あ、先生。あんたは師匠の年を知ってるか?
Leonie: Professor! Hey, do you know how old Captain Jeralt is?
ジェラルト: やめとけ、レオニー。俺自身、忘れたって言ってんだ。こいつだって、知らねえよ。
Jeralt: That’s enough, Leonie. If I don’t know, how could my child know?
レオニー: だけど普通、自分の年を忘れたりします?気になるなあ。
Leonie: It’s not normal to forget your own age, you know. It’s kind of worrisome, actually.
ジェラルト: お前も、自分の年なんざ忘れちまえって。年を気にして良いことなんか何もねえぞ。
Jeralt: By the time you’re forgetting your own age, you’re past the point of caring.
レオニー: はあ、そういうもんですかねえ……。
Leonie: I guess if you put it that way, you’ve got a point.
Do you know of them?
Who is your favorite?
Seteth & Flayn
セテス: 大聖堂の隣には四聖人を祭る小聖堂がある。
Seteth: Inside the cathedral, there is a chapel dedicated to the Four Saints.
Do you know of them? Saint Indech, Saint Macuil, Saint Cichol, and…
フレン: 聖セスリーンですわ!先生はどなたがお好きですの?
Flayn: Saint Cethleann! Who is your favorite, Professor?
セテス: ……君も教団の一員になったのだ。教義や伝承はしっかりと覚えておいてくれ。
Seteth: Now that you are a member of the church, be sure to familiarize yourself with our teaching and traditions.
Excellent work.
ハンネマン: 実に興味深い。生徒たちを見事に指導し、対抗戦で立派に采配を振るい……
Hanneman: Excellent work guiding the students in the mock battle. Taking command like that? Simply splendid.
And bearing the unknown Crest’s power? Yes! I’m talking about you.
Your talents are incredible, and Lady Rhea’s insight as to your potential is doubly so.
There’s some hair in the device. It looks just like my hair…
Choice 1: 黙って取るなんて…… Say nothing. Remove sample.
ハンネマン: いったい何の話かね?
Hanneman: What is the meaning of this?
Choice 2: もう数本いる? Maybe he needs a few more strands? (Hanneman ⤴)
ハンネマン: ほう!君は格別の見所があるな……!セテス君にも見習ってほしいものだ。
Hanneman: You do seem to have a mark of the exceptional about you. I only wish Seteth would follow your example.
Listen to this!
マヌエラ: センセイ、聞いてくれる?聞いてほしいの、あたくし
Manuela: You know, Professor, there are some things I’ll just never understand. Like the other night, I went on a date with a dashing, handsome, strong, young knight. Oh, I’m a bit weak just remembering him.
Anyway… Do you know what that no-good jerk said when we got back to my room?
He said, “What a mess. I’m afraid to go in there!” Can you believe it?!
You know who cares about keeping everything neat and tidy? Not me, that’s who. “Afraid to go in there.” Some knight he is!
How are you today?
アロイス: おお、先生!調子はどうだ!
Alois: Oh, Professor! How are you today?
I’m just hearing out for a mission. I’ll be seeing you!
Choice 1: 頑張って Good luck. (Alois ⤴)
アロイス: この程度の任務、ちょちょいのちょい、よ!すぐに片づけて帰ってこよう!
Alois: I don’t need luck! This will be a piece of cake. I’ll be back before you know it!
Choice 2: 不吉な予感が…… Be careful.
アロイス: な、何!? まさか、お化っ……ええい、気にはせん! 行ってくるぞ!
That face…
シャミア: あんた、どこかで会ったか?
Shamir: Have we met?
シャミア: いや、悪い。知り合いに似ていたんでな。
Shamir: No. Sorry. You remind me of someone I know.
シャミア: いや、悪い。気のせいだな。
Shamir: No. Sorry. Must be my imagination.
I can’t figure it out…
ツィリル: あの人……誰かに似てるような……。誰だっけ……。
Cyril: That person sure does remind me of somebody, but I can’t figure out who.
Oh, do ya need me for something? Sorry, but I’m really busy right now.
You look bored…
イエリッツァ: 暇そうだな……。死合うか……?
Jeritza: You look bored. Care to duel?
Choice 1: 仕合う? A duel?
Choice 2: 死合う……? To the death?
イエリッツァ: どうした……。ただの手合わせだ……。
Jeritza: What? Just wanted to spar…
I am grateful you came.
レア: Byleth、よく訪ねてきてくれましたね。
Rhea: Thank you for paying me a visit.
Is there anything troubling you? Or is there, perhaps, something I can help up with?
Choice 1: 生徒との付き合い方 I wonder if the students are taking to me…
レア: 私が見る限り、上手く付き合えていると思いますよ。自信を持つことです。
Rhea: You seem to be getting along well with the students. I would advise you to be confident in your abilities. The rest will fall into place in time. me a visit.
Choice 2: セイロス教の教義 About the teaching of Seiros… (Rhea ⤴)
レア: 教義は信徒にとって道標のようなもの。書庫も活用して理解を深めてくださいね。
Rhea: Believers live their lives by her sacred wisdom. Please use the library’s vast resources to learn more.
レア: 私はここにいることが多いので、何かあれば、また訪ねてきてください。
Rhea: I can often me found here, so if there is ever anything you need, please do not hesitate to pay
Do you know?
トマシュ: 枢機卿団(カルディナ)という存在をご存じで?教団を運営する者たちです。
Tomas: Do you know about the cardinals? They are the ones who run the church.
Their identities are a closely guarded secret…
You new around here?
アンナ: こんにちは。噂の新入り教師っていうのは、あなたね?
Anna: Hello there! Are you that new professor everyone’s talking about?
Name’s Anna. I’m a merchant who slings wares all across Fódlan… and beyond!
I come in here all the time, so I’m sure our paths will cross more. Hopefully much more!
Are you settled yet?
門番: 先生、お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
Are you settled in here at the monastery yet? Make sure to have a good look around! There’s much to see!
Like fish! You do know about the pond behind the dining hall, right? You can fish there! Give it a try!
We‘ re with you.
セイロス騎士: 君たちの課題には我々も同行する。大切な生徒の身に、万一があってはならん。
Knight of Seiros: We will accompany you on your assignment. We don’t want anything to happen to our precious students.
If any of you run into trouble, we’ll step in and help out!
I’m proud to be a Knights of Seiros.
セイロス騎士: “預言者セイロスの剣であり盾たる白銀の騎士たち”、通称セイロス騎士団……
Knight of Seiros: The Knights of Seiros are also known as the shining kinghts. We are the sword and shield of the divine Seiros.
There are many orders of knights in the world, but ewe are the only one that has the honor of bearing the name Seiros.
As a member of the church, you should probably study up on the history of Seiros and the knights.
Have you heard?
セイロス騎士: ガルグ=マク大修道院に附属の士官学校が創設されたのは、約200年前の話だよ。
Knight of Seiros: I hear the Officers Academy of the monastery was founded about two centuries ago.
The eastern region of Fódlan was being invaded by Almyra, and so the archbishop of the time took measures to prevent the border from being taken.
In order to ensure Fódlan would be safe from potential threats, she deemed it necessary to raise a generation of excellence.
That is how the establishment was founded, though its purpose has changed over the years.
Such despicable people…
修道士: 赤き谷ザナドは、セイロス教に因って大きな意味を持つ土地なのだよ。
Monk: Zanado, the Red canyon, is a place of great significance to the Church of Seiros.
Even members of the church are forbidden from entering without permission.
To go trampling around in there, causing trouble… Those bandits truly are morally reprehensible.
The academy is a remember place.
生徒: ……ブリギット、パルミラ、ダスカー。ここにいると、いろんな国の人を見るわね。
Student: Brigid, Almyra, Duscur… Even people from far-off lands gather here at the academy.
Word of advice, Professor. There are those who don’t think kindly of such people.
ユーリス: ……あんたが誰かは知ったことじゃねえが、厄介事に巻き込まれる前に立ち去るこった。
Yuri: Whoever you are, it doesn't matter much to me. But I do advise getting out of here before you get tangled up in trouble.
Unless you've been sent here under someone's orders. In which case, I'll happily show you a good time. Heh heh...
Choice 1: 偶然迷い込んだ I got lost and stumbled upon this place. (Yuri ⤴)
ユーリス: 偶然?大修道院で迷子にでもならない限りこんなところまでたどり着くわけが……
Yuri: Uh-huh... I find the likelihood of you "stumbling" into Abyss pretty suspect.
Choice 2: 噂を聞いて見に来た I'd heard about Abyss, so I came to find it.
ユーリス: 噂ァ?好奇心旺盛もいいところだなあ。ここが危ねえ場所だと教わらなかったか?
Yuri: Well, I do like people with a healthy curiosity. You are aware of how dangerous it is down here, yeah?
ユーリス: ……いや待て、あんた。もしかして教師か?近頃大修道院に来たっていう、元傭兵の。
ふうん、あんたが噂のね…… ……まあ、そういうことならいいか。
Yuri: Hmm... You're that mercenary turned professor, aren't you? The one who showed up at the monastery kinda recently.
Yeah, you're the one I've heard so much about. Well, I guess it's fine if you're here, then.
You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that, if you ever come down here again.
ユーリス: ん?……ああ、先生か。悪いな、こんなところまで来させて。
Yuri: Ah, it's you. Bit of a trek, coming all the way down here, huh?
I'll be helping you out now, but just so you know, my life is still down here.
If you can't find me in the classroom on the surface, you'll likely find me here instead.
Haven't seen your face before.
バルタザール: あん?見ねえ面だな。お前、ここの住民じゃねえだろう。
Balthus: Haven't seen your face before. You're clearly not from around here. You don't strike me as the thief or merchant type. I don't owe you money, do I?
Choice 1: 教師だ No, I'm a professor. (Balthus ⤴)
バルタザール:教師? ああ、噂の新任教師か!……って、おれより絶対若えだろ、お前。
Balthus: Ah, you're that new teacher everyone's been yapping about. And yet... you look younger than me. Weird.
Choice 2: 元傭兵だ No, I'm a former mercenary.
バルタザール: 元傭兵?ああ、噂の新任教師か!しかし華奢だな。おれより弱えだろ、お前。
Balthus: Ah, you're that new teacher everyone's been yapping about. Funny. Next to me, you don't look so tough.
バルタザール: おれはバルタザール。同盟領の出身だ。よろしくな。
Balthus:The name's Balthus. Formerly of the Alliance.
バルタザール: おう、どうした。わざわざおれを呼びにでも来たのか?
Balthus:Well, Did you come all the way here just to stare at my rippling abs, or did you want something?
If you're gonna ask me for help on the surface, it better be real important. I try not to go up there unless I absolutely have to.
And who might you be?
コンスタンツェ: あら、貴方……どなた?アビスに似つかわしくない風貌ですわね。
Constance: And who might you be? Not an Abyssian, that much is clear at a glance.
A visitor from above, perhaps? With what purpose?
Choice 1: 探検 I'm just looking around. (Constance ⤴)
Constance: I'm sure I must have misheard you. Either that, or you haven't the slightest inkling of where you are.
コンスタンツェ: た・ん・け・ん? そう仰いましたか?ここをどこだかご存知ありませんのね!
Choice 2: 別に…… None in particular...
コンスタンツェ: べ・つ・に!?私を揶揄しておりますの?ここをどこだかご存知ありませんのね!
Constance: Are you mocking me? You clearly haven't the slightest inkling of where you are!
コンスタンツェ: ……思い出しましたわ。貴方、レア様に大抜擢されたという新任の教師ですわよね?
Constance: Oh... but of course. You must be the new teacher specially appointed by Lady Rhea. That is it, yes?
Rumors have been flying underground about you. Well, then! I am Constance von Nuvelle.
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Ahaha!
Ah. It's you.
コンスタンツェ: あら、貴方。訓練か何かのお誘いですの?
Constance: Ah. Come to invite me to a lesson or some such, have you?
I prefer not to be aboveground during the day when I can help it. Unless there are storm clouds above.
You're that new professor, right?
ハピ: ……キミが何者か当ててあげよっか。
Hapi:Who are you? Wait, shut up, let me guess.
You're... that new professor, right? You just started teaching up on the surface.
Choice 1: なんで知ってる? How did you know that? (Hapi ⤴)
ハピ: ここでもちょっと噂になってたんだよね。
Hapi: Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right. I heard you were beautiful, but obviously that was an exaggeration.
Choice 2: どこかで会った? Have we met before?
ハピ: 会ってないし。噂になってたんだよね。
ハピ: ふーん……こーいう顔してたんだ。わりとフツーじゃん。
Hapi: Nah. Even here, people have been talking about you. Not that the gossip got everything right. I heard you were beautiful, but obviously that was an exaggeration.
Oh, Chatterbox.
ハピ: あ、先生。もしかして、ハピを探してた?
Hapi: Oh, Chatterbox. You been looking for me?
I'd prefer not to visit the surface, if I can help it. I don't wanna run into any knights.
What business do you have here?
番人: あんた、地上の人間でしょ。こんな場所に何の用です?
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. You're from up top, right? What business do you have here?
Wait a minute... Ah, got it. You're that new professor, aren't you? I suppose that means I have to let you pass.
I guess... welcome to Abyss! This town is full of rough-and-toughs, so watch your back down here.
Such an innocent face you have...
魔導士: 随分と綺麗な顔してるねえ、あんた。ふふふ……
Magic Wielder: Such an innocent face you have...
This isn't a place for innocent people.
Especially not if you're carrying money.
What are you lookin' at?
ごろつき: じろじろ見やがって。何だよ、てめえは。
Rogue: Hey. What are you lookin' at?
I don't want any trouble. Get lost.
Hello there!
Be careful.
My sword broke.
I like this place more than I expected.
I feel homesick.
I want to have some fun in the city.
We’re going to the Imperial capital.
Don’t shirk your training.
We expect great things from you.
You seem rather chipper!
There are dangerous forces at work.
Troubling Rumors
Collect information on the Western Church and report to Seteth. You may find an informant among the students in the courtyard.
セテス: フォドラ西部を管轄する西方教会において、不穏な動きがあるとの噂がある。君のほうでも、何か気になる情報を聞いたら私に知らせてもらいたい。
Seteth: The Western Church, which rules over the western parts of Fódlan, has lately made some strange troop movements. If you hear anything conserving, be sure to let me know.
セテス: ふむ……、やはりそのような噂が……。とはいえ同じ教義を奉ずる者同士、こちらから動くのは悪手となりかねない。まずは参考になった、ありがとう。
Seteth: So… The rumors are spreading. Still, it may be ill-advised to move against followers of the faith. Even so, this is good information to have. I thank you.
Leading the Charge
Starting with this month’s mission, you can now lead a battalion into battle. Search for the Tactics Primer in the captain’s quarters and peruse it to get up to speed.
ジェラルト: 今節の課題は、実戦だったな。セイロス騎士団が同行すると聞いてるぞ。お前には兵法をあまり教えてなかったから、部屋に入門書を用意した。読んでおけよ。
Jeralt: A real battle this month, huh? I hear even the Knights of Seiros are involved. I never taught you much about tactics, but there’s a primer on it in my room. Give it a read.
ジェラルト: お前の手足となってくれそうな騎士団を俺のほうで選んでおいた。次の実戦には配備していくんだな。なに、お前なら立派に扱えるさ。
Jeralt: I chose some knights to help you out. They’ll be deployed in your next real battle. I’m sure you’ll be able to make good use of them.
Creative Cuisines
Collect recipes for the chef. The library has quite a few cookbooks with interesting recipes. You might even try your hand at cooking, once you have permission to.
Did you find anything?
料理長: ねえ……生徒の話でも書庫の文献でも、何でもいいんだけど、珍しい料理のレシピを見つけたら、私に教えてもらえない?新しい料理の案が浮かばなくて……。
Head Chef: I’m fresh out of recipe ideas. Say… Perhaps you could find some for me. Maybe a student or the library’s cookbooks can spark some inspiration. Let me know, will you?
料理長: 教わった料理を実際に作ってみたけど……美味かつ斬新!実に素晴らしい料理だわ!厨房はいつでも使ってくれて構わないから、いろいろな料理に挑戦してみて!
Head Chef: Thank you for sharing in the culinary arts with me! I can tell you have exceptional taste and must truly enjoy making all manner of food as much as you do eating it. You are welcome to use the kitchen whenever you please.
A Passsion for Music
Find out which students are passionate about music. It seems there was a sign-up sheet being passed around the dormitory seeking students to join the choir.
How did it go?
合唱練習受付: 実は聖歌隊を作りたいと思っていまして、中心となって活動してくれそうな有志を探しているところです。先生も、音楽を好みそうな人に当たってみてくれませんか。
Choir Coordinator: I’ve been thinking about starting a choir, and I need a volunteer who can help me get it off the ground. Can you help me find some students who love music?
合唱練習受付: ご協力、ありがとうございます!他にも歌が好きな人はいるでしょうから、誘って合唱練習をしてみませんか?私に話しかけてくれれば準備しますので!
Choir Coordinator: Thank you for your assistance! I’m sure there are more music lovers around the monastery, so feel free to invite anyone to participate in choir practice. I’ll make all the necessary preparations when the time comes.
Feline and Canine Friends
Interact with the dogs or cat, and share some meat, fish, or produce. Once you’ve fed them a bit, you might get some kind of reward.
What should I do?
They all look so hungry, don't they?
女の子: お腹をすかせたワンちゃんや猫ちゃんに食べ物を分けてあげてるんだけど……わたしだけだと大変なの。手伝ってください!
Girl: I’ve been sharing my food with the hungry pups and kitties, but… there are a lot of them! Could you help me out?
女の子: 手伝ってくれてありがとう。これからも一緒にお世話しようね!先生は、ワンちゃんと猫ちゃん、どっちが好き?
Girl: Thanks for helping me out! Let’s work together to take care of all our little furry friends, OK? Say, do you have a favorite, Professor? It’s OK to have one, you know. Even if I love them all…
Learning to Teach
Seek out the mysterious teacher in Abyss. Perhaps he can offer you insight into the potential growth of your allies.
ユーリス: この街には、訳あって士官学校を放逐された昔の教師も居着いてるんだ。あんたにとっては、先輩教師にあたるな。話せば、得るものがあるかもしれないぜ。
Yuri: A professor who was dismissed from his position at the Officers Academy has made his home here. He could be a kind of mentor to you. Talk to him―maybe you can learn a thing or two!
ユーリス: どうだ? なかなか愉快な人だったろ。やらかして学校を追放されたとはいえ、教師としての能力には定評があったらしい。あの人の評価は、信用に足ると思うぜ。
Yuri: How'd it go? Even though he lost his job, he was widely recognized for his skill and knowledge. I'd say you can trust his analysis.
エーデルガルト: 講義の進め方を聞いていないの?他の先生からの受け売りでよければ、私が伝えるわ。
Edelgard: Have you not been told what's expected from lectures here? Well, I can tell you how it works based on what I've heard from other professors.
- 目標と自習 Skill Goals-
エーデルガルト: 講義を始める前に、まず私たち全員の学習目標を確認してもらえるかしら。
Edelgard: Before starting a lecture, it's a good idea to determine everyone's academic goals.
Students will want to prioritize studying things that will help them achieve their aim.
-個別指導 Instruct-
エーデルガルト: 目標に関係するものや、得意分野を個別に指導すれば、良い結果が出やすいと思うわ。
Edelgard: It's probably easier to get good results if you instruct students based on their interests and specialties.
Of course , that doesn't mean it's pointless to teach someone things unrelated to their personal goals as well.
By looking beyond their preferences, some students may find they're interested in fields they've never previously considered.
-目標提案 Suggested Goals-
エーデルガルト: 皆の目標は、この先、学んでいくことや課題での経験などで変わっていくと思う。
Edelgard: A student's goals may change based on their studies or the experience they gain while on missions.
When that happens, perhaps you could help them decide what new goals they should set for themselves.
-やる気 Motivation-
エーデルガルト: 個別指導が上手くいくかとうかは、その生徒のやる気にかかっているでしょうね。
Edelgard: How motivated a student is will affect how well your tutoring goes.
To help cultivate their motivation, I think it's a good idea to interact with your students as much as possible.
Please try your best to motivate everyone so that they, in turn, will try hard with their assignments and activities.
-グループ課題 Group Tasks-
エーデルガルト: 士官学校では、生徒たちに修道院の内外で様々な活動をするよう推奨しているの。
Edelgard: At the Officers Academy, students are encouraged to engage in various activities in and around the monastery.
If you instruct your students to work together as a team, it will help to deepen their bonds and produce their results.
- 資格試験 Certification Exams-
エーデルガルト: 師は「資格試験」について知っている?毎節、士官学校で行われているの。
Edelgard: Have you heard about the certification exams? They take place every month.
Everyone here is working hard to become a certain type of soldier, and those tests are how you can check to see how far we've come.
In order to pass the exam, you need to train enough to become whatever class you're aiming for.
Take care to develop your students strategically so that they can pass their certification exams.
エーデルガルト: 実戦ともなれば、指揮の訓練も兼ねて各々騎士団を配備して戦う必要があるの。
Edelgard: In battle, it's necessary to deploy battalions so that students can experience taking command.
I doubt I need to say this to a mercenary like you, but if you have any questions about how to use your soldiers, please, don't hesitate to ask.
- 騎士団の配備-
エーデルガルト: 騎士団を雇ったら、まず誰に指揮させるか……つまり誰の下に配備させるかを決めて。
Edelgard: After you hire a battalion, you'll need to decide who will lead them.
Battalions can contain soldiers like mages and monks who don't fight with weapons.
Be sure to think carefully about who would benefit most from the support of battalion soldiers and their specific skills.
- 計略と動揺-
エーデルガルト: 騎士団を配備すれば、戦闘中、その騎士団が得意とする計略を実行できる。
Edelgard: When you deploy a battalion, you can utilize its special gambit in battle.
If a gambit is successful, your enemy will be severely shaken.
エーデルガルト: 計略を周囲の味方と連携して仕掛ければ、その効果はより大きく現れると思うわ。
Edelgard: Joining forces with a nearby ally is a surefire way to enhance your effectiveness.
ディミトリ: 講義の進め方がわからないなら聞いてくれ。俺にわかる範囲でよければ、教えるから。
- 目標と自習 Skill Goals-
ディミトリ: 講義を初める前に、まずは俺たち全員の学習目標を確認しておいてもらいたい。皆、自分の目標に関係する分野を優先して学びたがるだろうからな。
-個別指導 Instruct-
ディミトリ: 目標に関係するものや、得意分野を個別に指導すれば、いい結果を出せると思う。だが、学習目標に関係のない分野の指導が無意味だというわけではない。例えば、苦手な分野を克服することでそれに興味を持つ者もいる。
-目標提案 Suggested Goals-
ディミトリ: 皆の学習目標は、今後の指導や課題での経験できっと変わっていくはずだ。その時には、どんな目標を立てるべきか改めて相談に乗ってもらえると助かる。
-やる気 Motivation-
ディミトリ: いくらお前が個別指導に熱を入れようとも、生徒にやる気がなければ、成果も出にくい。生徒のやる気を高めるためには……先生からいろいろと働きかけてやるのが一番だろう。少しばかり面倒かもしれないが、皆のやる気には、気を配ってやってほしい。
-グループ課題 Group Tasks-
ディミトリ: 士官学校は、生徒に修道院の内外で様々な活動をするよう推奨している。何人かで協力して作業をさせれば、生徒同士の仲が深まり、成果も出やすい。
-資格試験 Certification Exams-
ディミトリ: 知っているか?士官学校では毎節、「資格試験」が実施されているんだ。志願する兵種になるためには、その兵種の資格試験を突破しなければならない。当然ながら、その兵種になるための能力が十分でなければ、合格は難しいだろうな。先生には、資格試験に向けて計画的に学級の皆を指導してやってほしい。
ディミトリ: 先生は、騎士団を率いた経験はあるか?もし必要なら、俺から簡単に説明するが。
- 騎士団の配備-
- 計略と動揺-
ディミトリ: 騎士団を配備すれば、戦闘中、その騎士団が得意とする計略を仕掛けられるようになる。敵を攻撃する計略を成功させれば、相手の動揺を誘えるはずだ。
ディミトリ: 計略を周囲の味方と連携して仕掛ければ、その効果もより顕著に現れるだろうな。
クロード: 講義の進め方がよくわからないって?困った教師がいたもんだなあ……。
Claude: Don’t tell me… No one bothered to show you the standard procedure for lectures? I guess it’s up to me to save the day.
- 目標と自習 Skill Goals-
クロード: 講義を始める前に、まず俺たちの学習目標を確認しといたほうがいい。
Claude: Before starting a lecture, be sure to first check on our study goals.
After all, students will want to prioritize studying things that relate to their goals.
-個別指導 Instruct-
クロード: 目標に関係するものや、得意分野を個別に指導すれば、良い結果が出やすいだろう。
Claude: It’s probably easier to get good results if you instruct students based on their interests and specialties.
But that doesn’t mean it’s pointless to teach things that don’t relate to someone’s goals. Not by a long shot.
By overcoming their weaknesses, some students may develop an interest in new fields.
-目標提案 Suggested Goals-
クロード: 学びや経験によって、学習目標の修正が必要になる生徒も出てくるだろう。
Claude: A student’s study goal may need to be updated based on their learnings and experiences.
It’s an important part of being Teach to counsel students like that.
-やる気 Motivation-
クロード: 個別指導が上手くいくかどうかは、その生徒のやる気次第だ。
Claude: How well their tutoring goes will depend on a student’s motivation.
It’s possible that interacting with students on a regular basis will raise their motivation. Maybe.
Then again, what do I know? In any case, make sure to keep an eye on how motivated everyone is.
-グループ課題 Group Tasks-
クロード: 士官学校では、生徒たちに修道院の内外で様々な活動をするよう推奨しているんだ。
Claude: Students are encouraged to partake in various activities around the monastery.
If you have students work together, it will give them a chance to interact, and maybe even help them achieve better results.
-資格試験 Certification Exams-
クロード: 士官学校の中で毎節、実施されている「資格試験」のことは知ってるか?
Claude: Have you heard about the monthly certification exams?
If you want to become a certain class, you have to pass the certification exam for it.
That means training up on the required skills so you can pass.
Don’t slack when it comes to teaching your students what they need to know to pass their certification exams.
クロード: 実戦ともなれば、指揮の訓練も兼ねて騎士団を配備して戦う決まりになってる。
- 騎士団の配備-
クロード: 騎士団を雇ったら、まず誰に指揮させるか、つまり誰の下に配備させるかを決めるんだ。
- 計略と動揺-
クロード: 騎士団を配備すれば、戦闘中、その騎士団が得意とする計略を実行できる。
クロード: 計略を周囲の味方と連携して仕掛ければ、その効果はより大きく現れるはずだ。